Liza Carver
Commissioner at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Liza Carver commenced her role as Commissioner on 1 March 2022. Liza brings a wealth of experience from her career as a lawyer, including from her former role as Partner of Herbert Smith Freehills. Liza is widely recognised as one of Australia’s leading competition law and regulatory specialists.
Liza was also a non-executive Director of the NSW Rail Access Corporation, RailCorp and AirServices Australia.
In addition to her experience in private practice, Liza was an Associate Commissioner with the Trade Practices Commission and the ACCC between 1993 and 1999. Liza was also a Commissioner with the Australian Energy Markets Commission between 2005 and 2008.
Liza’s combined experience from her time in private practice and working at the ACCC and the Australian Energy Markets Commission, has provided her with a strong insight into competition law.
Liza chairs the ACCC’s Enforcement Committee, is the Deputy Chair of the Competition Exemptions Committee, Communications Committee, Infrastructure Committee and Mergers Review Committee, and is a member of the Compliance and Product Safety Committee, Digital Platforms Board, Electricity Markets Inquiry Board, East Coast Gas Market Board and Serious Cartels Program Board.
Liza holds degrees in Economics, Law and a Master of Laws from University of Sydney.