Just starting out with shares? We’ve compiled some resources to help you choose a type of broker, take the first steps and keep on top of your paperwork!

Full-service or online discount broker?

This Morningstar article on buying and selling shares outlines the difference between the two main types of brokers.

Choosing a broker

There are two main types of stockbrokers; full service brokers and online ‘execution only’ brokers. We’ve provided a series of questions for you to consider to decide what type of broker model might suit you. UPDATE Link

Investing guide for dummies

A great read from Marcus Padley published on Livewire outlining a simple investing guide.

How to start buying shares

Another detailed article from Choice on how to start buying shares.

ASX sharemarket course

Learn about the essentials of investing in shares from this ASX video and presentation tutorial.  This has 11 Modules covering a range of topics including risks and benefits, what to consider, how to buy and sell and investment strategies.

How to buy & sell shares

Moneysmart’s excellent guide to getting started with buying and selling shares.

Understanding shares

Before you buy your first share it is important that you understand what is involved in being a shareholder.

Donating shares: ShareGift Australia

Learn more about donating shares to ShareGift Australia;  the only service of its kind in Australia that converts share parcels to cash and aggregates the proceeds to distribute to charity. UPDATE link

How to find lost dividends and shares

It is very common for shareholders to lose touch with the companies in which they invest. Learn how you can get in touch with the share registries and various federal and state government organisations to help you find lost dividends and shares. update link with page here.

Keeping track of your shares

It’s important to keep on top of the paperwork associated with owning shares. Moneysmart has some great tips and a case study to help.